April 19, 2008

today was very eventful. i woke up just in time for work. i was proud of myself. what a shame.

after an alright work day, i met up with josh and went to central park. we walked and talked a bit, then we blew a blunt in a little shady spot on the grass. to make things even better, our trip to applebee's in times square was seamless. despite the nice weather, and it being a friday afternoon, we got seats on the spot and didn't wait at all for our artichoke dip.

after that, we went back and hit a bong and watched a slasher film. and chilled. and talked about our old bands. then he burned me some cd's, and even made little diy jackets for them.

i had a pretty awesome night.

i am dying to make more music with adam. we make a great team. i want to write many songs with him and record them all outside with the sounds of the neighborhood kids playing "hot peas and butter".

i'm never wearing shorts in bushwick again. thank god josh gave me a hoodie.