March 30, 2008

my nose can't smell. my taste buds can't taste. my wisdom teeth are really dumb. i'm falling apart on the outside. i'm surprised i went to work today.

i woke up at adam's, after a night of chicken tacos and jamming with his roommates. we listened to a tribe called quest while we were falling asleep, and it feels like it took me forever to get there. i remember tossing and turning, trying really hard not to wake him. when i woke up, he asked how i slept, and i told him how bad it was. he told me "aw" and that i should have woken him up and that he would have made me "sleepytime tea". he's such a moosh. he also gave me a watermelon ring pop.

he walked me to the train in his sweatpants because he does that sometimes, and i was on my merry way to work. my hair was uncombable, but at least i brought my toothbrush along. everybody could tell i was sick, by the sound of my voice. there is so much crap blocking my nasal passage that i actually miss breathing through my nose. my m's sound like b's.

there were three guys set up on the sidewalk selling books. i brought them out coffee and some crumb cake. they called me "sweetie", and we had a nice conversation about comics and graphic novels. in exchange for my "coffee kindness", he sold me maus II (in beautiful condition) for seven dollars. it was marked fifteen.

justin met me after work, and we got sushi at blue ribbon. i couldn't taste anything. i wish i could have, i hear the miso soup is really delicious. we got green tea ice cream and it soothed the pain in my jaw.

and now i am home. wilson and hitomi are watching a movie, and i made myself some chai. i have a long work week ahead of me, and an even longer play week planned. i think i'm going to catch up on some reading with my chai.